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Global Warranty Processes and Standardized Warranty Cost Calculations

Global Warranty Processes and Standardized Warranty Cost Calculations

소유주 : Bill Reynolds, 14. 3. 20 오후 4:51
평균 (4 투표)
The average rating is 4.75 stars out of 5.
1 of 1
Manuel Meillon
The Warranty Cost Calculation is a key factor for our company, please share with us the Global Warranty Processes and Standardized Warranty Cost Calculations
that you are mentioning here.
All the information that you are providing is helping us to improve our results. Regards
Posted on 15. 7. 7 오전 9:30.
Luis Gerardo Mendez Garcia
Could you please submit the
1. Global Warranty Chargeback (GWC).
2. Warranty Reduction Program (WRP)
3. Warranty Spike Recovery
4. Field Service Action Cost Recovery.

The Global Warranty Processes and Standardized Warranty Cost Calculations document is not up to date since the contact name for NAFTA is no longer working in STA Warranty. Should be nice to have these documents available in the portal.
Posted on 20. 7. 16 오전 9:21 in reply to Manuel Meillon.
Sonja Folley
Hello, where would I find the warranty cost calculation process/procedure?
Posted on 20. 9. 3 오후 2:00 in reply to Manuel Meillon.
Linda Webb
Where on the portal can you find the Warranty SOW, and the test processes called out in this document?
Posted on 22. 5. 11 오전 7:26.

버전 1.0

Last Updated by Bill Reynolds
14. 3. 20 오후 4:51
상태: 승인됨
다운로드 (173.1k) Get URL or WebDAV URL.
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1.0 14. 3. 20 오후 4:51 173.1k

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