
Supplier Environmental Network
Here you can find everything you need regarding doing business with Ford and the environment. Ford Motor Company and its affiliates are committed to being clearly and consistently recognized as one of the leading automotive companies in the world on the environment. The total life cycle of our products - from design and production, through handling and use, to end-of-life recycling - must be taken into account to reduce the environmental footprint of our products. Suppliers play a major role in the design and production of our products. As such, every link in the value chain must be aligned to truly ensure environmental care.

Access to this site provides information regarding, ISO 14001 certification is our priority for 2000. Click here for your ISO 14001 workbook, tools and templates and RSMR 'Hex 9' materials. We're serious about meeting our recyclability targets. Find out more on the End of Life Vehicle Directive, plastic parts marking and more. We are dedicated to providing training support for our suppliers. Click here for information on available training world-wide. Access the RSM/R and supplier Environmental Requirements online training here. You can find out more about Ford's Environmental policy and what Ford is doing about the environment as well as find contact details, letters to suppliers, and the on-line supplier environmental requirements manual.

This applications is intended for use by:

  • All Ford Motor Company suppliers, also relevant info for Purchasing personnel

Technical Requirements

  • IE 5.0/ Netscape 4.7
  • 800x600

Currently, in order to access this application you must be a registered Ford Supplier Portal user. If you need access to this application, but do not yet have access to the Ford Supplier Portal, you must follow the instructions below.

  1. In the left menu bar click "Administration Tools"
  2. Select "request service" under "my profile".
  3. Click "Request" button next to "Ford Supplier Portal"
  4. After requesting the Ford Supplier Portal, the company administrator at your company will approve or reject your application request.

Note: If you are a current user of FSN and have not yet been migrated to the Ford Supplier Portal, please continue to access Ford Supplier Applications through the Ford Supplier Network.