Ford CMS页面导航

由于新的 portlet 设计,CMS portlet 位于单个页面以便获得更好的可访问性。 建议对 CMS 页面使用单栏页面布局。

单击这些链接来查看所需 portlet

Web 内容 文档和媒体
(以前称为图像库和文档库 portlet - 现在已组合)
标签和类别 CMS 主目录



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400 Day Inactivity Instructions

400 Day Inactivity Instructions

所有者 : Bill Reynolds, 17-4-7 上午7:58
平均 (0 票)
满分为 5,平均得分为 0.0。
Users will have received an email notification warning them at 370 days of inactivity that their FSP ID is 370-days inactive, and the communication will provide the user with instructions on how to avoid becoming inactivated. In addition, users will have received an email notification at 400-days of inactivity, informing them that their FSP ID has been inactivated. Users will see the following error message once they have been inactivated. "You have not utilized this package over a 400 day period of time and your account has expired. Please contact your Corporate Security Administrator to have your account reactivated."
标签: inactivity expired revoked reactivate
1 of 3
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版本 1.0

最后更新人 Bill Reynolds
17-4-7 上午7:58
状态: 已批准
Users will have received an email notification warning them at 370 days of inactivity that their FSP ID is 370-days inactive, and the communication will provide the user with instructions on how to avoid becoming inactivated. In addition, users will have received an email notification at 400-days of inactivity, informing them that their FSP ID has been inactivated. Users will see the following error message once they have been inactivated. "You have not utilized this package over a 400 day period of time and your account has expired. Please contact your Corporate Security Administrator to have your account reactivated."
下载 (124.7k) 获取 URL 或者 WebDAV URL
版本 日期 大小  
1.0 17-4-7 上午7:58 124.7k


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